Data From TilliT to Ignition

Asset Read Folder:

To read information from TilliT, expand the Read folder. In here you can read things such as Events that have occurred and the running order of that asset. Inside the RunningOrder folder, things such as the Material, Material Attributes, OEE, and Progress can be read, as well as the work order and associated work order information.

Running Order

RunningOrder folder will be updated automatically on the START of an order in that asset. If you SUSPEND that order, the status of it will update in Ignition. If you COMPLETE the order the RunningOrder tag will be cleared.


In order to add events to the Read/Event folder you will need to setup a subscription in TilliT. You can find instructions on how to do this here: MQTT Integration

Events in Ignition will be displayed with the information available. If the event you are subscribing is an Activity Completed event, then, you will also have access to the form fields that were submitted.

BEST PRACTICE - To utilise this information in Ignition you can create a reference tag in the default tag provider and point it to the TilliT provider via the Source Tag Path property. It is suggested to utilise a UDT and parameterise things such as the asset name, line name, equipment path, etc., for easy configuration. Writing to Tags from the TilliT Tag Provider

Last updated