
An article is a written piece of content that provides information, insights, or instructions on a particular topic or subject.


Articles, such as SOPs, are written instructions that outline the steps and procedures involved in a routine or repetitive task within an organisation. They ensure consistency in task performance and promote efficiency, reducing errors and improving quality and productivity. Articles are crucial to organisational governance and are often used to comply with regulatory requirements.

Navigation: Settings > Articles

Creating a new Article

Go to Settings > Articles > Actions > Create

With the online editor, users can easily modify the content of their articles, including the text itself and the way it's presented.

Users can choose from a variety of fonts, sizes, and colours to customise the look and feel of their content.

The editor provides a range of options for inserting media into articles. This includes the ability to add images, videos, and other multimedia elements that can help to illustrate and enhance the content.

You can either start from scratch or copy existing SOPs or articles that you already have. There are no restrictions on using pre-existing content to create new articles.

Adding an external document

To include an external document, simply add a link to the article. When the user clicks on the link, the external document will open in a new window, allowing them to view and access it without leaving the article.


Versioning articles is the process of creating and managing different versions of an article over time. It involves tracking changes made to an article, including updates, corrections, and revisions, and storing each version as a separate record.

This allows users to access and review different versions of the article as needed, and to ensure that the latest version is always available for use.

Versioning articles can help to maintain consistency, accuracy, and transparency in documentation, and can be particularly useful in industries where regulatory compliance is important.

Publish to Live

Publishing a new version of an article involves making the latest changes or updates to an article live and accessible to users. This can involve reviewing the changes made to the article, ensuring that they are accurate and in line with organisational standards, and publishing the latest version for use.

Once the article is published, users can access and use the latest version to complete tasks and processes in a consistent and standardised manner. This ensures that everyone is working with the most up-to-date information and that procedures are being carried out in the most effective and efficient way possible.

Last updated