
Order Management

Orders can either be managed through the built-in order management interface or through TilliT Excel addins.To manage orders using the built-in interface, click the "Orders" link on the left side bar inside TilliT scheduler:

Importing orders from using Excel addin is similar to configure other data template entities.\

Field/Column Description:

  • Operation Code - this is the code for the Operation the Order relates to. This could be a Prouct, SKU, Task or any item requiring scheduling.

  • Order Code - the unique order code.

  • Due Date - the date the order is due

  • Earliest Start Date - the earliest date the order can start

  • Status - Either Planned, Released, Scheduled, In Progress, Complete or Cancelled

  • Priority - Low, Medium or High

  • Quantity - the quantity of the order

  • Quantity Unit of Measure - the units of measure for the quantity

  • Percent Complete - if it is in progress, the percentage complete

  • Order Property 1-x - custom order properties. The Column Header can be given any title required and the values are free text fields.

Creating and Managing Orders

Watch this brief tutorial to learn how to create and manage orders:

Creating an Order - Hit the Add Button and enter the Order Code, Earliest Start Date and Due Date

Add the Order Items by typing and Order Quantity and an Operation Code for the Order.

Tip: Only Operation Codes that have been configured in the system should be entered. If there is no Operation code for that entered item, you will not be able o Schedule the Order.

Enter an Order Status from the pre-determined list (not mandatory):

Enter an Order Priority (not mandatory):

The Order is now available for Scheduling!

Adding Orders to a Scenario

Once Orders are in the Orders Store, they can be selected and added to a Scenario. To add Orders to a Scenario, you fist need to create or select an existing Scenario.

Once a Scenario is Opened, you will be taken to the Scheduling Screen:

Clicking the "Add Orders" button on top of the scheduler will take you to the Orders Store where all orders for your Location are stored, managed and updated.\

Orders are visible and can be filtered using the Shopping Cart style filtering. This allows you to only select the relevant Orders you want to add to a Scenario.

For example, you can select a Due Date Range, Order Status, Order Priority or other attributes to ensure the correct orders are available for Scheduling.\

Once you have filtered and selected the required Orders, click the Add Button.

These Orders will be added to the Scheduling Screen as "Unscheduled Orders".

** Only Orders that are new, or have not been previously added to the Scenario are visible in the Orders Store. This makes it easy to see if you have new Orders available for Scheduling.

Last updated