User authentication


Many organisations may often have existing employee accounts for other services, such as Microsoft and Google.

If that is the case, TilliT can utilise them to manage TilliT users.

Commonly known as Single Sign-On (SSO), you can connect to TilliT with any service using the SAML standard.

SAML is supported by many providers including Microsoft, Amazon (AWS), Google and many others.

We recommend discussing this with a member of the TilliT Support team.

Contact us to discuss using SSO.

Azure Active Directory (Microsoft)

This guide will cover setting up TilliT with Azure Active Directory. This process is done together with the TilliT Support Team.

Once our support team is contacted, they will provide your pool ID and your reply URL. These two pieces of information will be used during the Azure Portal setup.

Open Azure Portal, on the right side menu choose “Azure Active Directory”.

Start the process of creating a new Enterprise application. Select "non-gallery application". Give it a name (TilliT?).

Inside the newly created application, head to Single sign-on and pick SAML.

In the Identifier (Entity ID) and Reply URL, enter the data you've received from the TilliT Support.

Save your changes, it should look like this:

Finally, copy the App Federation Metadata URL and provide that to your TilliT Support Contact.

Last updated