Layout Overview

Lets get familiar with the app layout and some key operations.

Main Overview

  1. Line Asset, this represents each of the lines. Selecting a Line will show all Assets inside that Line. (Please note you do not have to have Lines)

  2. Selected Date

  3. Asset, selecting this will display another the asset panel.

  4. Orders, shows target and completed units for the current order. Selecting this will display a list of Orders for this Asset.

  5. Activities, are the list of tasks that need to be completed for Asset. Selecting this will display a list of Activities for this Asset.

  6. Events are a record of critical incidents, such as: stoppages, activities expiring and non-conformities.

  7. Search for orders and assets.

  8. Create manual orders, events and activities.

  9. Options dropdown, sign-out, lock and change sites.

Assets & Orders

  1. Selected Asset overview.

  2. Order list, this can be filtered to show/hide Orders with different statuses.

  3. Order overview

  4. Order details, contains all information about an order. Includes Order attributes and Process Variables.

  5. Order status, update the Order status.

  6. Activities, are the list of tasks that need to be completed for Asset. Selecting this will display a list of Activities for this Asset.

  7. Events are a record of critical incidents, such as: stoppages, activities expiring and non-conformities.

  8. Metrics toggle, switch between OEE and Production statistics.


  1. Activities List, this can be filtered and sorting using the 2 buttons up the top.

  2. Selected activity.

  3. Claim activity, this will allow you to enter required data and complete the Activity.

Last updated