How to Update the Excel Add-in

Clearing Cache

By clearing your cache, you will always get the latest version of the excel add-in. This can help with resolving unexpected errors, or trouble loading the web page. The process for doing so is different if you are using the Excel Online or Desktop for Windows or Mac.

Excel Online (Chrome)

  1. In the top right of your browser, click the three dots and select Settings from the drop down

  2. On the left menu, choose Privacy and Security.

  3. Choose Site Settings -> View permissions and data stored across sites

  4. In the search field, enter tillit.

  5. From the results, choose the appropriate site (recommend to do both company urls and non-company urls)

  6. Then, select Clear Data. The next time you open the excel add in, you will fetch the latest version.

Excel Online (Edge)

  1. In the top right of your browser, click the three dots and select Settings from the drop down

  2. On the left menu, choose Cookies and Site Permissions

  3. Choose Manage and delete cookies and site data -> See all cookies and site data

  4. In the search field, enter tillit.

  5. From the results, choose the appropriate site (recommend to do both company urls and non-company urls)

  6. Then, select Remove All. The next time you open the excel add in, you will fetch the latest version.

Desktop (Windows)

  1. From the ribbon menu of Excel, navigate to File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Trusted Add-in Catalogs.

  2. Select the checkbox Next time Office starts, clear all previously-started web add-ins cache.

  3. Completely exit Excel by closing all open windows

  4. Open Excel, your cache is now cleared and the next time you open the add in it will be the latest version

Desktop (Mac)

  1. Open the add in in Excel.

  2. In the top right of the add in window, you will see an i icon.

  3. Click the icon and select Clear web cache

  4. Restart Excel

  5. Open the add in and the latest version will be loaded.

Last updated