Creating an activity

In TilliT, the process instructions to execute the order are called Activity Templates.

An activity template will define what makes up the what, when and who of any activity in TilliT DO. The Activity Items will define the form content the operator will have to fill. The assignment will define what assets and products this activity should require and the starter definition will be dictated when this activity needs to be completed.

The activity definition consists of:

Creating the Activity Template

To start creating, open Settings > Activity Template from the side menu:

Select the Actions menu, then Create

The Activity Template pop-up screen will pop up and require 3 sections completed before adding Activity Items

Basic Information

The Activity Template pop-up screen starts with Basic Information.

Fields with a star must be completed. Other fields are optional. Use the following guide to complete this section:

  • Expiry In - sets the expiry time of the created activity. This will set the activity status to expire once the expiry setting is reached.

  • Activity Name - this is the text name of the activity

  • Activity Key - this is the key name that the system will use in linking the items. When setting up the first . The name should be unique (no spaces or special characters allowed).

  • Activity Description (optional) - this is the description of the activity.

  • Article (optional) - Articles allow you to provide documentation with an activity. Use this section to choose which of your articles to attach.

  • Activity Class (optional) - classes can be used to group activities, making it easier to maintain them.

  • User Groups - the assigned user group that will perform the activity template.

  • Expiry In - sets the expiry time of the created activity. This will set the activity status to expire once the expiry setting is reached.

  • Display Order - sets the order where the activity will be displayed in the list.

  • Retest - select whether a retest workflow is required in the event that the activity fails.

  • Priority - sets the priority of the activity (default is "Low")

  • Active - provides the status of the activity template. All templates with the active indicator selected will be allowed to be created and executed.

  • On Order Complete (optional) - define what should happen to an active activity when the order it is attached to is completed

  • Startable By (optional) - the user groups that will have permission to start/create the activity from the 'Start Activity' button. This is different to User Groups field as that defines who can peform an activity

  • Display Order - sets the order where the activity will be displayed in the list.

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