User subscriptions

After completing the user channel definition, the second step to complete the notification setup is to configure the subscription.

To see all current subscriptions configured for a user, navigate to your user profile page to see your subscriptions.

The subscriptions will allow the configured users to receive a notification when an event occurred in either:

  • Event Type - Choose the event type for which the subscription will filter on

  • Asset - Choose the asset for which the subscription will filter on

  • Order - Choose the order for which the subscription will filter on

  • Activity Key - the list of activity keys from the created activity template.

    • Use any combination of the above to only recieve the specific notification you need. For example, I can receive Equipment Stopped on Line 1 for any order or Activity Completed with activity key Final Check on any asset, any order

  • Channel - The Channel to send the notification to. NOTIFICATION will send the notification to your notification list

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