
Use this checklist as a guide for capturing the necessary data. While TilliT can assist with this process, ultimately it is your responsibility to ensure the data is properly collected.

After confirming that all the necessary data has been gathered, navigate to Settings to continue the next steps of setting up.


List of Operations and Activities

After going through your process, you have identified the activities that will feed into Tillit and listed them out.

Shifts & Calendars

You have defined the shifts with their start, end time and breaks.

Material Information

You have worked out all the Materials and Material Groups.

Process variables & Units of Measure

You have identified Process Variables (used to monitor and control processes) and their units of measure.

Attributes ( for Assets and Orders)

You have captured all the attributes have been captured for Assets, Process Variables and Materials.

List of Articles - like SOP’s

You have compiled and collected the instructions and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) details.

Last updated