Production report


The Production Report is your first place to observe an at a glance view of your asset and order performance. See a timeline of events in the order they happened, the OEE with APQ stats for assets and orders as well as a breakdown of stoppage reasons. This enables you to immediately get out of the box insights without custom dashboarding required.

Key Features

1The Production Summary is a horizontal bar where three rows represent the shifts, orders and status as a timeline across the last week. Each segment (color change) is used to display that a change occured. For shifts, this means a change from an morning and afternoon shift. For orders, this is when an order is in the RUNNING state. The status timeline is a breakdown of the period of time the asset was in a stopped state, running state, etc. This helps you identify at a glance the sequence of orders, or compare equipment statuses across different shifts/orders. The default view is to display the results for Today. You can change the current date filter by using the dropdown menu in the top right of the page. See that when you select a different date filter, the graph and items in the table below will update. Click and drag on the timeline to interactively choose a date range to view more in detail.

This will display a list of filters applied to your current view. Click the Add+ button to start filtering either by Asset or Order. This allows you to search for orders across any date range, a scenario is to type the order number you wish to filter by and then select it. Not only will the date range change but also an Asset filter will be applied. Remove the filters at any time by pressing the cross symbol that will display on the filter item.

These are the different tabs that change the results that you see. Asset and Order will all display the production metrics aggregated for the item. Event and Comments will present a special view where every downtime event reason has occurred, and the classification for it. t occurred and any other activities that occurred because of it.

Click on an event reason and you will be able to drill down a tree of reasons along with how long each downtime reason occurred for. Move to the Comments, to see a timeline of downtime reasons.

This table is designed to allow you to easily filter and navigate down from an Asset to the exact production details you want to see. Start by selecting an asset and you will be navigated to all orders that occured on that asset for the selected date range.

Repeat this process for Orders and you will reach a timeline of exactly what happened during that order. At any point you can skip a filter by Order and see the Timeline for an asset across all Orders.

Last updated