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During production, you may be required to capture an image, be it to log breakages, packaged goods or even to create a database of images for an AI system to learn what a good or bad product looks like.
To achieve this, we have multiple options. Every option provides the same camera button that gives you the optionto either use the device's camera or upload an image file
Available under the Data entry item type. You can add a title (Name property), a hint and the camera button.
Without a hint, the button will present on the left on the card:
If you add a hint, the button will present on the right of the card:
You can add image capture to any other element in the activity using the Enable Image Capture property:
This will add a camera button in the element's card. As above, without a hint, the button will present on the left:
With a hint, the button will present on the right:
These operate in the exact same way as the Image Data Type (see top pf page), but will store the images in a more useful folder structure.
The operator sees the same card. Without a hint, the button will present on the left on the card:
With hint, the button will present on the right of the card:
The operation is the same, with the user taking a photo (or uploading one) for each good or bad product example.