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Last updated
Once you've defined an attribute, you'll want to start using them. Assets often have attributes for them to help define behaviour on specific. For example, if you have multiple beverage fillers on a line, each one may have a differing number of filler heads.
Attributes are added in the configuration section but can be associated to the an asset through the asset attribute table.
This attribute will remain the same on every order that uses this asset. However, if you ever want to give operators the option to update an Asset Attribute, this is possible by using in an activity. Caution should be used when doing this as this will affect any order using this asset, present and future.
Go to Settings > Asset Hierarchy > Assets
Then select the relevant asset. Click on the Asset Attribute panel then Create.
Select the attribute to be liked to from the dropdown. After selecting the attribute another field will appear. This field name in accordance to the type of field expected e.g Numeric Value
Keep in mind if the order also has the same attribute the order attribute will take precedence.
Enter the desired value and click Save and close
Set a value for the asset attribute