
Boards is a highly configurable management tool designed to track and manage a variety of tasks—from nonconformist issues and customer complaints to action plans.

Boards is a powerful, flexible management tool in TilliT, designed to track and manage various tasks, such as non-conformance reports (NCR), customer complaints, action plans, and more. This feature allows you to handle tasks that fall outside the standard production order, making it ideal for managing projects, tracking issues, and improving workflows.

You can access Boards through the menu on the left side of your screen.

Key Use Cases for Boards:

  • Non-Conformance Reports (NCR)

  • Customer Complaints

  • Lessons Learned

  • Continuous Improvement Projects

  • New Product Development

  • Corrective Actions

Each board is customizable to fit your needs, allowing you to track information specific to your workflows.

Creating a Board

Example: Creating an NCR Board

To demonstrate how to use the Boards feature, we'll walk through setting up a Non-Conformance Report (NCR) Board. You can start from scratch or use one of TilliT's pre-built templates.

If you don't have a template, choose Start from scratch like the screenshot below.

Then click on your newly created Board to open it. When you create a new board, you'll see a basic table layout with default columns like "Name" and "Last Updated."

Then click on Edit board structure to configure you Board.

Customizing the Board: You can add columns to suit the needs of your task.

For example:

  • Date Reported: Add a date field to track when the issue was first reported. This can be set as a required field.

  • Reported By: Link this field to the user who reported the issue.

  • Description: Add a text field where users can provide detailed information about the issue.

  • Severity: Add a field to categorize the issue (e.g., Critical, Major, Minor), and customize colors for each severity level.

  • Status: Each board can have one status field, which helps track the progress of the task (e.g., To Do, In Progress, Done).

Adding board items

Once the board structure is ready, you can easily add items to it. Click on Create on the top right corner then fill out the modal. For example:

  • Misalignment Issue: Add a record for a misalignment issue reported by a user and set the status to "To Do."

then click Save.

Editing board items

Whether in Row view or Grouped by item status, simply click on the item name to edit it.

Row View vs Grouped by item status

On the top right corner, you will see two options to view a board.

Row view is the button on the left, showing items in a standardized TilliT table panel.

Grouped by item status is the button on the right, showing items in a more visual Kanban board style. Items can be dragged through different statuses.

Deleting an item from the board

From the item's basic information panel

If you are in the item's basic information panel, click on the arrow next to Archive, and choose Delete in the dropdown to delete the item.

From the Row view

Click on the checkbox next to the item's name to select it. Then click on the arrow next to Create, and then choose Delete in the dropdown.

Deleting the board

Click on the arrow next to Edit board structure and choose Delete in the dropdown to delete the board.

Managing Workflow with boards

Visualizing the Workflow:

After adding records, you can sort and filter tasks by status, transforming the board into a dynamic workflow visualization, similar to a Kanban board. You can drag items across stages, such as from "To Do" to "In Progress," providing a clear view of task progress.

Advance usage of Boards

Linking items with additional board sections

For more complex issues, such as resolving a component misalignment, you can create sections, which are also boards within the board for Lessons Learned or Action Plans. These sections allow you to track all steps related to resolving the issue and ensure proper documentation of solutions.

For example:

  • If the solution to the misalignment is to replace a bearing, you can document this fix directly in the board and assign the relevant actions to team members.

Automating Task Creation

Boards can also automate item creation based on specific activities. For instance:

  • If a pre-operation check fails during packaging, TilliT can automatically generate an NCR entry by entering information through an activity template.

  • To do this, choose a Board item item type when configuring an activity template. (See Activity Templates)

You can select the NCR Board where the new record will be logged, input the necessary details in the activity form, and the item or task is automatically added to the board.

Example Scenario: Automating NCR Entry

  1. During a packaging order, a pre-op check fails.

  2. TilliT automatically triggers an NCR entry from an activity template, detailing the issue and linking it to the correct board.

  3. The record includes the failure report, timestamp, and other necessary information.

  4. The new NCR entry appears on the board, allowing the team to address the issue and track its resolution through the workflow.

Last updated