Two Steps to Availability

Configuring shifts

Configure shifts for your assets. This way TilliT knows when you should and shouldn't be in production. Any downtime outside of production hours will not penalize your availability. This defines what 100% Availability will be.

1. Creating Shift Templates:

This allows you to set up shift patterns on the asset to set a standard to be compared against for when an order or an asset is supposed to be running and vice versa.

See Creating Shift Templates for guide on configuring.

2. Creating Calendar

Follow Calendar and Calendar item to create a calendar and a calendar item to set a period of time that your shift templates apply to.

Important: Afterwards, go the the asset(s) that this calendar apply to and choose the calendar you just created in the asset's basic information.

3. Creating Order Templates

Creating Order Templates will allow you to configure default data types for when an asset is in Downtime or Changeover. This helps classifying whether the change is PLANNED, UNPLANNED, or something else.

For example if an asset's stoppage is UNPLANNED, then this will negatively affect the Availability score.

Adding asset's data

For this part, we need to ingest machine statuses into TilliT. For best results, you need to read local data sources with a TilliT Edge device or Integrate via API/MQTT.

See the Equipment Status Templates for ingesting via edge or Publish Order Progress for using MQTT. When you do experience a stoppage event, attach a reason code to understand what caused the downtime via a machine tag or activity submission.

Classify your reason codes as planned or unplanned to only measure the downtime you want to effect Availability. See Option List and Edge Downtime.

Downtime during your order changeover will automatically be measured as planned until scheduled changeover duration is exceeded. At this point, unplanned downtime will start to negatively effect your availability.

Last updated