Asset Meter


The Asset Meter feature is all about keeping track of your equipment based on real metrics like running minutes, elapsed time, counts, and order completion. This means you can get alerts when it's time for maintenance or other actions, not just based on a schedule, but based on actual usage.

For example, instead of doing maintenance every six months whether it's needed or not, you can do it when the machine has actually run a certain number of hours. This helps avoid unexpected breakdowns and keeps everything running smoothly.

It’s a smarter way to manage your assets, reduce downtime, and make sure your production stays on track!

Navigation: Settings > Asset Hierarchy > Assets > Choose your Asset > Asset Meter Template expansion panel


Asset Meter on the Sidebar




Selected Asset

Name *

The name of the meter (usually describing what is being tracked)

Count Type*

Set the type of count: Hours - Total Elapsed Hours Running Hours - Total Number of Hours the Asset has been Running for Minutes - Total Elapsed Minutes Running Minutes - Total Number of Minutes the Asset has been Running for Count - Total Number of Units Counted Order Completion- Percentage of running order completed

Set Point *

The set point is where you specify the threshold for triggering an event. For example, if you're tracking running hours and set the set point to 100, an event will be triggered when the asset has been running for 100 hours

Trigger Event

OPTIONAL - Specify an event to raise once setpoint has been reached.

Auto Reset

OPTIONAL - Reset count back to 0 once set point has been reached. If this is not set, resetting can be done manually in the Asset Meter screen.

Reset Date Time

Date from which current count is measured. This updates to time last reset happened.

Tutorial Video 📽

Example - Order Completion Meter

In this example meter, it tracks the percentage of order completion for Packaging Machine 1. An event will notify when an order is fully completed. The meter does not reset automatically and must be reset manually.

  • Asset: Packaging Machine 1

  • Name: Order Completion Meter

  • Count Type: Order Completion

  • Set Point: 100%

  • Trigger Event: Order Complete Notification

  • Auto Reset: No

  • Valid From: N/A

Step 1 > Navigate to the Packaging Machine

Go to Settings > Asset Hierarchy > Choose the asset you want to add the Asset Meter to.

In this case, we are going to Packaging 1.

Step 2 > Find the Asset Meter Template card

Scroll down until you find the Asset Meter Template expansion card.

Step 3 > Click "Create" and fill out information

When you click on Create, this is what the empty modal will look like.

Referring back to the example information, we will fill out the following information in the modal.

  • Asset: Packaging Machine 1

  • Name: Order Completion Meter

  • Count Type: Order Completion

  • Set Point: 100%

  • Trigger Event: Order Complete Notification

  • Auto Reset: No

  • Valid From: N/A

Step 4 > Save it!

Click on Save and Close and this should appear in your panel's table.

Last updated