
Adding Your First Element

Once you've set up the form, you can start adding elements.

If you already have an order loaded in TilliT, you have the option to use it to preview how the Activity Form as you build it. You can do this by clicking the Change Order button; you will then be presented with a pop up to find your order.

Next, click on Add an element. You will be asked to select an item type, followed by a data type:

You'll need to give the item a Name and an Item Key. The Item Key is generated from the Name, but can be changed. The Item Key must not contain spaces or special characters. The Hint (optional) is a text field for you to provide extra context (e.g. what control to use on the machine):

Finally, you'll be asked to add any additional attributes to the item (optional), such as a Process Variable or Active Item Expression (details of each of these are available in this Help Portal). Once you've added these, click Save.

Editing the Template

If you need to make any changes during the activity setup at any point, or you need to delete the template entire, you do this via the Edit template button. This will bring the template settings up on the right:

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