Data From Ignition To TilliT

Asset Write Folder

Similarly to reading from tags in the TilliT provider, we can write to tags inside the Write folder. We can write them things such as counts, asset statuses, process variables and any events you need to raise.

By creating a reference tag in the default tag provider and having the source tag path point to a tag in the "write" folder of a specific asset in the TilliT provider, you can update the information and statuses and have that passed on to TilliT.

Raising an event from Ignition

To raise an event in TilliT, mark the trigger tag as true and wait for the acknowledgment:

Every asset will have every event type listed in the tree.

If you create a new Event Type and it is not listed by default, mark the Refresh tag at the root of the tag provider as true

You can also raise events via Script. Knowing the Asset Id and the event Id, the following script would raise an event:

system.tillit.raiseEvent(eventTypeId, assetId)

Sending Asset Counts and Status

You can implement a full OEE by just setting two tags in the Ignition Module, TotalCount and Status.


None of the below will work until you mark this tag as True. This tells TilliT Module to monitor this asset for counts and state.


TilliT Ignition module expects you to write to TotalCount a continuous part counter representing the total production in that asset. TilliT Module will monitor that tag, take the difference between two points in time, and publish to the cloud.

We suggest you reset the counter at the start of a new order, making things easier to maintain.

Resetting the counter mid-order will cause a misalignment with the accumulated count. Either you don't reset at all or reset during an order transition.


The mechanism to report Rejects is similar to the TotalCount. Rejects will be counted against the order and drive the Q in the APQ OEE calculation.


In this Tag we report the state of the Asset. This reporting needs to match the possible asset status in TilliT, which are:


Process Variables

You can send analog values to TilliT as a process variable. These values can be used in the activity forms with the Edge Data data type or access this information in TilliT dashboards.

Process variables are not available by default; you need to create an Edge Data Tag in TilliT for it to appear in the tag provider.

In TilliT, navigate to the asset you need to set up a process variable:

Find the Edge Data Tag section:

Hit +Create and populate the following fields:

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