Activity report


When you reach a level of maturity with TilliT, it's time to look back on the work you have done and understand the data you are now gathering. The Activity Report provides an interface to interactively filter and identify the results from all activities completed. By doing so you can replay the exact events that lead to a failed check as well as the actions that were taken because of it.

Key Features

The Activity Summary is a horizontal bar where each segment represents the number of activities in the passed, failed, skipped or expired state. The segments change size occording to the proportion of activities each state has. This helps you identify quickly if there are a higher then expected number of activities failed or expired. The default view is to display the results for Today. You can change the current date filter by using the dropdown menu in the top right of the page. See that when you select a different date filter, the graph and items in the table below will update.

This will display a list of filters applied to your current view. Click the Add+ button to start filtering either by Asset or Order. This allows you to search for orders across any date range, a scenario is to type the order number you wish to filter by and then select it. Not only will the date range change but also an Asset filter will be applied. Remove the filters at any time by pressing the cross symbol that will display on the filter item.\

These are the different tabs that change the results that you see. Assets, Order and Activities will all display the sub-totals of each Activity Result grouped by the respective tab name. Timeline will present a special view where every activity that occurred will be listed from latest to newest, allowing you to playback the order in which activities occurred. If the activity was associated to an event, you will also be able to trace back to when the event occurred and any other activities that occurred because of it.

Click on an activity and you will see the Activity Item Results to find out exactly which check failed. If the activity contains an image, you can click on it to see it in a larger view.\

This table is designed to allow you to easily filter and navigate down from an Asset to the exact activities you want to see. Start by selecting an asset and you will be navigated to all orders that occured on that asset for you date range.

Repeat this process for Orders and Activities and you will reach the timeline. At any point you can skip a filter by Order or Activity and see the Timeline for an asset across all Orders and Activities.

Last updated