Create an Order
Now that we have an Asset and Material setup, lets create an order.
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Now that we have an Asset and Material setup, lets create an order.
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Go to Orders page -> Actions -> New Order
To access the Actions menu, go to the Orders page. Click on the Actions menu dropdown and select "New Order"
In the popup, choose the Asset and Material that were set up in the Setup section. Then, input the following Order details. Unless you want to make changes, leave the other fields at their defaults.
Order Number (e.g. WO-123)
Target Quantity (e.g. 100)
Click on "Confirm" to add the Order. You should now be able to see your order in the list.
Now click on the Order to see its details.
Congratulations, you have now added an order on TilliT.
Next, lets setup an Activity that we will get to run when the order is started.