Creating Order Templates


  • Order templates in our system allow for sophisticated management and configuration of orders, including the ability to split orders into multiple segments.

  • Order template is used when we want to influence the creation of an order. It is common that production orders are scheduled and maintained in a more aggregated level compared to how they need to be executed.

  • A common case is that we schedule production on a “Line level” but we need to execute the production at an equipment level.

  • As an example, in case of a bottling line, its common to schedule at the line level but we want to track production at the Depalitiser, Filler, Labeller and Palletizer level. We use order template to perform the conversion between the ine level to the equipment level.

This document will guide you through the process of understanding, creating and configuring order templates.

Accessing Order Templates

Go to Settings > Asset Hierarchy > Order Templates.

Creating an Order Template

After going to the page. Click on Create to establish a new Order Template. You will see a modal pops up like in the screenshot below.

When creating an order template, you need to think about a parent-child relationship between levels of productions. Which level A of production (the parent) that you want to map onto another level B of production (the child).

The available level are: - Asset Class > Asset > Material Group > Material > Attribute

For this example, we want to map the orders created on the LINES asset class level to new orders on the Fillers asset class level.

Since we are working on the asset class levels, all assets falling under these classes will have the same mapping rule applied to them.

The values for the fields we will put in are:

  • Name: Fillers

  • Operation: FILL

  • From Asset Class: LINES

  • To Asset Class: Fillers

Then, click Save and Open to expand the settings of the Order Template.

Understanding Basic Information Fields

Upon opening the entity you will be presented will multiple configuration options like the image attached below and this table will help you go through what they all mean.



This field is automatically populated for the entity by TilliT.


The name of this Order Template.

From Asset Class / Asset / Material Group/ Material / Attribute

The parent level of entities that you want to map from. For this example, we want to map every order created on the Lines level to all Fillers under the Fillers Asset Class

To Asset Class / Asset / Material Group / Material

The child level of entities that you want to map to. For this example, we have put Fillers under To Asset Class. If we want a specific filler to be mapped on, we can edit the To Asset field instead.


The text attached to the end of the mapped's order's names to differentiate all the different levels you have mapped to. For example if the parent order name is "PO0001", the filler child order will be named "PO0001 - FILLER".

Variable Quantity

The amount of order quantity the child level entities will receive in multiplication. For example if the quantity you put in the parent is 100 units to product, and the variable quantity is 1.2 then the child order will need to fulfill 100 * 1.2 = 120 units.

Fixed Quantity

The amount of order quantity the child level entities will receive in addition. For example if you put 100, and the parent order has production quantity 100, your child production is 100 + 100 = 200. Note: Variable and fixed quantity values can be combined in configuration.

Fixed Delay Minutes

Same philosophy as Fixed Quantity, can be used to model delay in the orders being mapped. If you put 20 minutes, the order will only go to the child entities 20 minutes after order creation on the parent level.

Variable Delay Minutes

Same philosophy as Variable Quantity, can be used to model delay in the orders being mapped.

Fixed Changeover Minutes

Same philosophy as Fixed Delay Minutes.

Variable Changeover Minutes

Same philosophy as Variable Delay Minutes. For example sometimes on the LINES level there is Changeover happening but you don't want it in the child entities. A use case is putting the value 0 will apply 0 changeover minutes to the mapped child entities.

Downtime Type

The status that will be defaulted to when the asset is not running but the order is. In this photo, the status "UNPLANNED" is set for the Downtime Type, which will alert actions or notifications based on how you configure it.

Changeover Type

The status that will be defaulted to when the asset is in changeover but the order is running. In this photo, the status "PLANNED" is set of Changeover Type in the case an order is to run on an asset in changeover.

Updated At

This field is automatically populated for the entity by TilliT.

Configuring Components (BoM)

This is the final piece to configuring an Order Template are the Bills of Materials, also known as Components in TilliT.

This allows you to set up specifically which child entities you want to use materials of the BOM that were part of the parent order.

Just scroll down from the Basic Information section and you will see the Components section. Click on Create.

A modal will pop up asking you to put in the Material Group and Material. In this example I want to bring all of the Glass into the Fillers, and if I want to set a specific Glass material then you can choose a specific type like the drop down below.

Afterwards if you configured it correctly it would look like this.

How it works in TilliT

In the example below, I will create a new order on the Asset Line 1 which belongs to the From Asset Class Lines that we configured in our Order Template before. (Check out Create an Orderif you are not sure how to create an Order in detail.)

Two other Order Template to map all order created on a Line level to also map to all Depalitisers and Paletisers were also created.

After filling out the New order detail, navigate to the asset Line 1 where we created the order, you will see three different orders created with their respective operations - FILLER, DEPAL and PAL.

Last updated