

TilliT Edge will be shipped ready to be added to your facility. Contact support to ask any questions about your unique installation. If you do not require a physical device then take a look at creating a self managed docker instance.

When you receive your Edge device, make sure you take note of the Thing ID. You will need it setting up the device.

Navigation: Settings > Edge

Setting up a new Edge

On the table click Actions > Create; you will be presented with a pop-up.



Name *

this is a name that you can call this Edge. Make it so that you can recognise where you will install it.


an optional text field for you to use to describe that Edge device.

Type *

the type of edge to create depending. If you have a physical device, you will need to add a Thing Id

Thing Id *

you will need to enter the value included with the Edge package.

Click the Save and close button to finalise.

Once you save Edge with the correct Thing ID, you will lock in that device to your tenant. You will then be able to start creating data sources.

To check that your edge is online and working, observe the tick box in the "Online" field. Your edge device will update it's connected status every minute.

Publishing changes.

Take note that there is a PUBLISH CONFIGURATION button on the top right toolbar.

You will need to click on this button every time you change a configuration in order for that change to be applied.

Once you click this button, TilliT will send the new configuration version to the Edge device, and use it in the next poll cycle.

Digging Deeper

Setting up Edge requires a considerable amount of configuration, and we have a dedicated section in our help documentation to assist you with the process.

Last updated