Edge Data Tag Options

Here a list of options that can be supplied, all options must be supplied as a json string. e.g.

{"option1":"value1", "option2":"value2"}	


This will allow you to scale the value by a supplied factor.

e.g. {"scale": 1000} - will multiple the raw value read by 1000

{"scale": 0.001} - will divide the raw value read by 100


Use this option if the tag you are reading has a rollover value, this will assist the COUNT_TOTAL template in understanding what to do when the count resets back to zero. For example, a tag has a rollover of 100, when edge reads the tag for the first time it is 95, and the next time it is 5. Using the rollover, it will calculate the correct difference of 10.

e.g. {"rollover": 1000} - will set the rollover to 1000


This option allows for you to define the order attribute that represents the bulk order code. Sometimes your counts are reset on an order basis, but you need to know the count of products across multiple orders that have the same bulk order code. By adding the bulk order code to the order, edge will read this value and compare it to the previous order. If they match, then it will add the previous orders count to the value it reads. If the bulk order code has changed, then the count is reset to the raw value it reads.

e.g. {"bulkOrderAttrName": "Bulk Order Code"} - it will compare the Bulk Order Code attribute of the current running order with the previous order.

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