
Activities are the tasks that need to be completed. They are either created automatically by triggers or can be manually created. All activities will be displayed in the Activity list. If the activities are intended for the specific user group, say the Operators, then all the users belonging to the Operator Group will receive the task notification.

The activity will be displayed as unclaim in the first occurrence.

To claim the activity, simply:

  1. Click on the Activity notification; this will open a new pane, displaying the activity items to perform.

  2. Click the Claim button; this will set the activity as claimed and the user initials who claimed the activity will be displayed in the activity header. The task assignment will also become visible to the other users, notifying them that the task is already started and being performed.

  3. Complete the Activity Item entries. For details on how to go about on the different activity item types, check the article: Completing an activity

  4. Click the Submit button to save the transaction record; this will set the activity status to complete and the activity will be removed on the list.

Last updated