
Upgraded Mobile Version 📱

We have completely refreshed and upgraded our mobile version. The overall experience will be faster and more stable. Exciting new additions include a new cockpit view for easier asset navigation, and the attribute list now conveniently appears at the bottom of each order.

Style your notes 🎨

Brighten up your operators day by adding styling to the read-only notes!

Here is an example of what the calculation looks like:

.test-class {
  font-size: 52px;
  background-color: red;
<p>You can use classes for most inline styles.</p>
<p>The can also use inline styles <span style="background-color:blue;">background</span> and <span style="color: red;">color</span>,</p>
<p>This <span class="test-class">demo</span> shows how to <span style="font-size: 32px">change</span> this.</p>


Its important to note that the calculations are javascript, so you have to return a String containing your html. In this case we use a ` (Backtick) in the start and end so you can have line breaks.

Event Relay 🔗

Allow Assets to trigger events on different Assets!

Material Conversion ⚖

Does your pallet contain 60 cartons? Manage this is with our new Material Conversion feature:

Activity Calculation with Return Type 📥

The Calculation field has been replaced by the new and improved Evaluate field. Evaluate lets you define the return type, leading to more stable calculations. It is recommened to simply convert any existing Calculation fields to Evaluate Fields.

No Shift Needed for Avalibility 🚦

If a Shift has not been assigned or started (for manually activated shifts). TilliT will now assume 100% availbility rather then display no figure.

Bug Fixes 🐛

Activity Item value has tolerance check done before rounding

Last updated