Raise an Event in TilliT


A TilliT event can be used to not only record when something happen, but also to start a process flow of triggering activities for people to complete. You can raise events from the UI manually or via an edge datasource. If none of these suit, then an API call can be made to raise the event.

Raise an Event

The endpoint for creating an event is POST:/core/event-instance. It takes the following request payload

  asset: number,        //ID of the asset
  eventType: number,    //ID of the event to raise
  name: string,         //Give the event a name
  order: number         //ID of the order the event occurs on
  priority: number      //The priority of the event type
  subtitle: string      //And optional description of the event

Close an Event - coming soon!

Raise an Event with a Reason -coming soon!

Last updated