Scheduler to Digital Operations integration

How does it work with TilliT DO?

Integrating Scheduling

Once the orders are scheduled in Scheduler, they are released and sent to TilliT DO. In DO, the orders are available for operators to complete. This release process is controlled by the Scheduler and ensures that the right orders are sent to the right operators at the right time.

One of the most significant benefits of this integration is the link back to Scheduler. This link enables schedulers to see live updates of the orders currently running in the production process. This feature provides schedulers with real-time information on the status of each order, enabling them to adjust the schedule in real-time if necessary.

Schedulers can monitor the progress of each order, including the expected completion time, actual completion time, and any delays. This real-time monitoring provides schedulers with a comprehensive view of the production process, enabling them to make informed decisions and adjust the schedule as needed. Schedulers can monitor the utilization and availability of resources and adjust the schedule accordingly to ensure that resources are used efficiently and effectively.

Scheduling Strategies

Another great feature of the Scheduler is the ability to schedule assets in either a one-to-one or a one-to-many model. This flexibility allows manufacturers to choose the level of control they need for their scheduling needs.

In a one-to-one model, each asset is scheduled individually, providing granular control over the production process. This model allows manufacturers to schedule assets with precision and optimize their utilization. This level of control is especially useful for complex production processes with multiple assets that need to be synchronized.

In a one-to-many model, assets are scheduled in groups, providing high-level control over the production process. This model is useful when manufacturers need to schedule a large number of assets simultaneously or have a simplified production process with fewer assets. This level of control provides a quick and easy way to schedule assets without the need for granular control.

Scheduler allows manufacturers to mix and match the one-to-one and one-to-many models as needed. For example, manufacturers can use the one-to-one model for their critical assets that require granular control while using the one-to-many model for less critical assets that do not require as much attention.

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